
Who I am:

I’m Ken, born in Kobe, living on Earth, Japanese Samurai Traveler. Fun, Unusual and Crazy guy is Ken.

My Travel:

I am just trying to travel Round The World 23 laps. 6th round now. Journey with Work, Study, Play & Love is my challenge.

My Job:

In 2003, I found U23 inc. in Toronto.  We support students and travelers. We help to Connect People, Idea and Dreams. We can work anytime, anywhere in the world with Mac. We call “Future Life/Work”. I sometimes speech about it. I’m Designer, Entrepreneur Filmmaker, Photographer, Writer, Drone Pilot, Teacher…etc

My Hobby:

I’m crazy for Football. I am join in World Cup since 2002 as supporter. I am Sunset Hunter, Night View Hunter, Island Hunter, Party Hunter, Art Hunter, Music Hunter, Gourmet Hunter…etc.

My Speech:

I sometime speech about Future Work, Future Life, Future Travel at school. Future Work @Apple Store Ginza Future Work @Tokyo University Asakatsu Future Life @Jobhunt Event for Aoyama Gakuin University Students Future Life @Vancouver Global Communication School Future Travel @Niteroi Private School …etc

My Dream:

Go to Space Odyssey

POLICY: Share the Happiness

We always find the better way to make all the people happy with creative idea. We believe everybody can be happy with no loser.

MISSION: Change the Future

We develop the spirit of innovation and experiment to create a revolution. We look forward the future rather than the past.

I am Ken, Traveler, AME!

To know about Ken Utsumi, read “Eternal Traveler ~I am Ken, Traveler, AME!” on iBooks Store.